Thursday, May 1, 2008

What Is The Ideal Contact Point?

Racquetball BallsOne of the major aspects of racquetball that is required in order to become a good player is learning where your ideal point of contact is.

The ideal point of contact (to hit the ball) will vary between players, but normally, you are going to want to make contact with the ball just slightly ahead of your center of gravity.  The further forward the ball is when you make contact, the more leverage you will have, however hit the ball too early and you will most definitely lose your balance.  There is obviously a point where you are reaching for the ball and this is definitely going to remove leverage from your shot, the same as if you hit the ball too late.

The best thing to do is practice! Figure out where that sweet spot is where you can maintain your balance and achieve significant leverage.  There is no exact science to finding your ideal contact point other than to experiment, but when you do find it, you will notice tremendous improvements in your racquetball game.

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